voter id card is a very essential part of our life. We all need an identity and
this identity is provided by this voter id card. We all should apply for the
voter id card. Elections are very important and so is the voting. No one should
lose this opportunity as if you do not vote you will not be allowed to vote for
the next five years.
Voter id card also helps us a lot in getting a lot of
things done in terms of the official work. As you turn 18, you should apply for
the voter id card. It has become very easy to apply for the voter id card. It
is not like the way it used to be earlier like waiting in line for hours and
also going again and again to get the voter id card.
Now the process has been
made very easy by the government. Everything has become online. Anybody can
apply. You just need to have some basic knowledge of computers and you can
easily apply whenever you wish to. In case you are not able to fill up the form,
do not worry, the website is well equipped with all the details that are
required by you. You can easily follow the steps and fill up the form. It is not only about
registering, one can do a lot of things on the website like that of the change
in the name, or or any other detail.
registration, you will have to go into the website which is the official
website that is www.archive.jharkhand.gov.in/ceo/default.asp
and a page will open in front of you. On that page, you will have to first go
the left hand side of it and find the option of Online Registration for EPIC.
Click on that now. When you click on that, you will be directed to the
website’s main page where you will have to complete the rest of the process.
When you open this page, you will find three options in front of you which are
Officer Contact List, New User Registration and Forgot Password. You should
know what you are looking for. In case you have an account, you login and in
case you do not have, then click on new user signup and for that you will need
an email id and your phone number. Once that is done, login now with the
username and the password that you received. And now you will be taken to a new
page which will show you about Form 6, you will have to fill this Form 6 in
case you want to get a voter id card for yourself.
Start filling the same with
all the details that you are asked to fill like your name, address and many
other details. Also upload your recent scanned photograph. And also upload the
documents that you are asked for. Submit that. And then it will be verified and
then you will get your voter id card.